pretty UGLY



Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, took the Birmingham Academy Stage in an orgy of sound on Sunday 21st May.

From the moment she stepped onstage to the moment she stepped off she electrified her audience by conjuring up a bodacious cacophony.

Modelling a silver cat suit, old converse shoes and eyelinered in lines of black with florescent orange streaks in place of blusher. Karen O is the only women who could ooze sex whilst sporting a bowl cut and mirror ball on her head.

The night kicked off with ‘Turn Into’ a slow melodic mixture of electro and acoustic and before fully immersing the fans in the Yeah Yeah Yeahs during the song ‘Pin’ from their previous album.

The band mixed their newest songs from their latest album ‘Gold Lion’ with their oldest from the self titled ‘Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ album and ‘Fever to Tell.. Karen O was supported by guitarist Nick Zinner and drummer Brian Chase.

Their new material off ‘Gold Lion’ may not attract fans of ‘Fever to Tell’ , but where the latter is full of fury and sex ‘Gold Lion’ follows in the vein of love and its losses.

The songs ‘Gold Lion’ and ‘Phenomena’ went down well with the audience , who succeeded in drowning the front woman at certain points with her own songs.

Showmanship or rather show – womanship kept the audience transfixed. For instance, ‘Gold Lion’ was sung with a sparkling sheet over her head. Spraying beer from her mouth was another feat.

Curling and contorting her body from foetal positions to striking poses that hark back to classic pictures of Bowie and Iggy Pop, Karen O beguiled her audience.

Although Karen O’s band played well with a few minor hitches from in terms of key, she but was well backed up by drummer, Brian Chase who paced the whole set giving time for the front woman to catch her breath.

Men want her and women want to be her. Karen O stood as an effigy, a modern day, space age goddess. A fact apparent from the number of female clones that stood in the audience.

Normally an essential part of a good gig is that the artist involves the audience by speaking to them and interacting, but on this occasion it was almost as if you didn’t want her to speak because it tarnished the idea of a modern day icon of music and fashion that she is hailed as.

The headliners were supported by Har Mar Superstar’s new band Sha Na Na and The Services, heavy synth band that sounded a bit like Prodigy crossed with Disturbed. Har Mar’s band had little to offer except the positive addition of old Distillers guitarist, Tony Bradley and the fact that Har Mar decided to not get naked.

Although there will be more to come from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Karen O is a woman who has an interesting future ahead of her, with a rumoured solo project she is well worth keeping an eye on.


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