pretty UGLY



amed after a character in the Neverending Story, Atreyu are hitting new heights with their latest album; Lead Sails Paper Anchor. I caught up with guitarist, Dan Jacobs (the cute little one) on the Birmingham leg of the Taste of Chaos Tour.

How's the tour going so far?
DJ: It’s alright. So far so good.

The taste of chaos tour has been downsized in recent years, from NIA to upper room in the academy
DJ: Not internationally. Not in the states. It’s a lot bigger in the States. Its like, an arena.

Have you just woken up?
DJ: Yeah (laughs). We were partying last night. We had a bus call at 10.30 am. We were up all night.

So iv read that you are termed as ‘metalcore’???? Did you make that term up?
DJ: No that’s some writer of some sort that came up with it a long time ago.

Where are you from?
DJ: I'm from Orange County California. I’v lived there my whole life.

What was your first concert?
DJ: A Greenday concert.

What was the first record you bought?
DJ: Probably a Greenday record.

How far did the original Orange County Hardcore scene influence you?
DJ: I mean – I saw some hardcore bands

When was the first time you picked up a guitar?
DJ: Um when I was about 12. I’v always been attracted to guitars. Not in a sexual way. (Laughs). My mum always had one. Like in her closet. I would try and take it out and play with it, but I didn’t really know what I was doing. Then when I was in school, this drummer kid who was in class with me suggested we jam. So we started playing.

How did you end up in Atreyu?
DJ: Well I met Alex when I was about 13. He played bass so he and I jammed. Actually he met Brandon’s brother, who introduced us to Brandon – who is a drummer. We started a punk band called Retribution. And we did that for a few years. Then eventually we changed our name to Atreyu. Went through a few member changes, and that’s where we are now.

I was looking on your website, and I saw that to join any of your forums, there is a fee of $25 dollars. Do you consider that to be a bit of a punk rock sell out?
DJ: Well no. It’s a way that people who are really really big fans, can get a little something extra. I mean the reason it costs money, is because it costs money to produce the things we are giving people. There are a lot of extra things, that we – uh – wanna give back to people who are really really big fans.

So what are the other guys like that you are touring with?
DJ: Well we have all known each other for a while, from previous tours. Everyone’s real cool. There isn’t a lot of introducing yourself to people. Its like being back at school.

Who’s the biggest drama queen in Atreyu?
DJ: Drama Queen? Um probably Alex.

DJ: Of course. He’s the lead singer, so it comes with the territory.

Do you have fights?
DJ: No. not really, its like being in a family. Its like if you argue with your brother or sister or mum or dad.

Your average fan standing outside are about 15 or 16. Do you ever think you are going to get too old to reach out to people of that age?
DJ: No, I think that with good music, age doesn’t matter. So we will get out there, whatever age group.

What's the most embarrassing record you own?
DJ: Probably John Mayer. That’s probably kind of a weird one. I like country records. Lately I’v been listening to a lot of Brooks & Dunn, or Toby Keith.

How has Atreyu’s music evolved?
DJ: I want to say we have come full circle. We have had 4 full length records out. Its been 10 years, and with each record , we try to do something different every time. A lot of times, fans want you to write one particular record, over and over again. Its hard to do that when you want to do better than what you did last time.

Whats your favorite thing about England?
DJ: My favorite thing, is Nando’s.

Really? Arent they a South African restaurant?
DJ: Are they? (Laughs) . I dunno, but Iv had one every day, and in every single city we have been in.: London, Norwich, Cardiff, Nottingham. One today…..

Have you seen much of the U.K.?
DJ: Well we have been here a few times. Each time we try to see a little bit here and there. To get some kind of vacation-ish thing out of it. We went to this place in Nottingham that was called the Ye Olde Tavern, or something. Its probably the oldest bar in the world. It was built in the eleven hundreds. Like people in the crusades or something.

What are your plans after this tour?
DJ: To write a record actually.

Anything else to to add?
DJ: I have a rock clothing line. Its Check it out.


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