Fight Like Apes
PrettyUgly catches up with Fight Like Apes front woman MayKay, in the Unisex toilets of the Barfly. Here’s what she had to say:
PrettyUgly: Where have you just come from:
MayKay: We were in the Barfly at 7.00pm , then we went back to the Travel Lodge. And now we are running late .
PrettyUgly: Oh yeah?
MayKay: We had a gig in London last night, and we saw people there we haven’t seen in ages. We were up until 6.00 am
I hope I don’t sound strange. My voice isn’t good. It’s because I don’t sing properly. I don’t really take care of my voice. (laughs) You aren’t disagreeing?
PrettyUgly: I haven’t heard you yet!
PrettyUgly: Tell me a bit about the band:
MayKay: Well before me and the people in the band got to meet each other, we were all in really shit bands. Iv offended so many people by saying that, but they were really shit. Like fucking terrible.
PrettyUgly: How did you meet?
MayKay: We were all in college. We were really shit at college. We were shitter at college than were at being in shit bands, so we decided to see what we all did together.
Jamie, our keyboard player wrote the first song. He had been writing for years. He’s been obnoxious (musically) for years. I was a newcomer. It went from there. It was almost two years ago that we first did that.
We did what most new bands did. We played to as many people as we could. So we could get people talking.
MayKay: Its quite strange to see men wash their hands after they have been to the toilet. Im sure they don’t normally do that.
PrettyUgly: What do you and the band have in common?
MayKay: Well we are all snobs. Awful music snobs. But we found out there was so much more there than that. The music ended up being quite impressive because we were all trying to push the bar.
PrettyUgly: What kind of music inspires you?
MayKay: When we all met we were listening to completely different things. Our keyboard player was listening to pavement. Our bass player was listening to Sonic Youth. I was listening to fucking any pop music going.
PrettyUgly: What kind of things do you write songs about?
MayKay: Well we are all very happy people, first and foremost. But we all have a bitter streak. So I write mostly about a boyfriend I hated, or friends, or things that I hate. I get to scream about things like that.
PrettyUgly: You sound like you have had a lot of bad boyfriends?
MayKay: (Laughs) Your going to make me sound like a whore! Yeah, well Iv definatley had the compulsive liar.
PrettyUgly: How do you feel when you are onstage?
MayKay: I love it. I try really hard to put on a show, not just a gig. Theres nothing worse than people who just stand there and just play guitar. When I sing it feels like Im alone, just shouting at a boyfriend in my room.
MayKay: I have to go, Im supposed to be onstage now.
PrettyUgly: Anything else you would like to add?
MayKay: Just that you should go out and buy our album. Buy it!
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