November 1st
Cage the Elephant. Coventry Kasbah
Cage the Elephant stormed the stage on Saturday night. Already stardazed, thanks to their brilliant new album. Cage the Elephant kicked off their U.K. tour with a set, so tight, it nearly burst the seams of the venue.
The packed out set kicked off with the hit single, ‘Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked’. Before long, the crowd was jumping to the music. The energy didn’t let up for one second. By the time that ‘In One Ear’ was played, almost everyone in the place was in for the anthem. Guitarist, Brad Schultz engaged the crowd with ear splittingly precise solo’s.
With sweat dripping from the ceiling, the atmosphere was electrifying. The support bands were at best, mediocre. If they were a pat on the back, then Cage the Elephant were like a punch in the stomach. Not only are the band better live, but they prove the best things are short and sweet.
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